Theology of Disability

A theological statement on disability is being developed by our church.

Liturgical Resources

Download resource packs containing Liturgical Readings, Collects, Intercessions, Music Suggestions, Sermon, and Activities for use in your Services.



Use these posters to promote awareness and help your church become accessible for everyone.


We welcome you to get in contact. We are available to come and speak with groups. We welcome feedback on our resources.



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LINKS to other Disability Resources

General Disability resources in New Zealand

New to disability » Firstport

Home | Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People
Government ministry of Disabled people.
Information on disability support services for people living in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
News about disability community and sector.

About disability - Office for Disability Issues (odi.govt.nz)
This gives an overview of current disability thinking, information and action in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Disabled People/ Ko ngā Tāngata Hauā - Ministry of Social Development (msd.govt.nz)
We’re here to help disabled people live successful lives, to help them take their place in a society where their contribution is valued and they are included We’re here to help disabled people live successful lives, to help them take their place in a society where their contribution is valued and they are included

“My Life My Voice brings together disabled people from across Aotearoa to help each other live their best life. Whether you need personal support with finding resources, advice on settling in a new area, or are keen to meet people with similar life experiences — My Life My Voice is here for you.”

Disability Information New Zealand
Disability Information NZ will assist all people with a disability, their families, whānau, aiga and carers to locate and access information, resources and services all over New Zealand.

Disability Related Resources — Health & Disability Commissioner (hdc.org.nz)

Christian Disability groups and resources in New Zealand

Home - Elevate Christian Disability Trust (elevatecdt.org.nz)
Christian Support group for disabled people and families; disability awareness education

L'Arche Kapiti – Te Waka Whakaruruhau (larchekapiti.org.nz)
L’Arche is a worldwide federation of people, with and without intellectual disabilities, working together for a world where all belong.

Faith, Church & Disability | Baptist New Zealand (podcast series)
Highly recommended for people who want to understand more deeply disability.
Interviews with Disabled people about life and faith. 

Leva resource, particularly for Pacific Island churches

Disability Spirituality and Faith Network | Disability Spirituality and Faith Network (dsfn.org.nz)


International Christian Disability Groups.

Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org)

Since the 1960’s, the WCC has championed the ecumenical response to disability among its member churches when it first explored the need for a Church to be a more inclusive society. This work gained momentum in the following years leading to the establishment of Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) during the WCC 8th assembly in Harare, 1998. After its establishment EDAN has sought to pursue the place of persons with disabilities in a just society.

The network is managed as a decentralised operation with a governance board and a secretariat hosted by the All Africa Conference of Churches in Nairobi, Kenya. It is led by a programme coordinator, who is assisted by an international reference group which helps to envision and continuously evaluate the work. The work is backed by eight volunteer regional representatives drawn from each of the eight WCC regions.

Barrier-Free Belonging | The Church of England

Disability & the church podcast | The Church of England (2021)

Home - Through the Roof
Through the Roof is a national Christian ministry that equips churches and organizations to fulfil the biblical message of inclusion of people with disability in the society. They also provide opportunities for Christians to get involved with mission to and with disabled people such as those that are mobility impaired, those that have learning disabilities or mental health issues, those that are sight and hearing impaired.

Disability Concerns - Lausanne Movement

Inclusion in churches

Erik W. Carter offers ten elements of belonging:  to be present, invited, welcomed, known, accepted, supported, cared for, befriended, needed, and loved.  Focused on moving from barriers to inclusion of persons with special needs in a faith community, Carter provides an inventory through which any faith-based community—parish, school, classroom, committee—can evaluate itself on how it engenders a sense of belonging.  Carter also offers many concrete strategies for inclusion.

6 Ways Your Church Can Welcome People With Disabilities (outreachmagazine.com)

Why and how should we make Christmas services inclusive of all abilities? - Diocese of London (anglican.org)  retrieved 5/12/2023

Inclusive Church Resources (dartonlongmantodd.co.uk) retrieved 20/12/2023

A Place to Belong: Disability and the Church | The Archbishop of Canterbury retrieved 5/03/2024
Three short videos about belonging in Church.

Stephanie O. Hubach (engagingdisability.org) retrieved 3/07/2024

Theological Resources

Documents created by people within EDAN on disability. 

A Church of All and for All - An interim statement | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org) (2003)
This interim statement, offers pointers and insights on major theological themes. It is hoped that it will also help the churches address inclusion, active participation and full involvement in the spiritual and social life of the church in particular and society in general.

The Gift of Being | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org) (2016)
The publication of this document, WCC aligned itself with a broader global development toward a human rights approach to disability.

Disability theology: How religious beliefs can help or hinder accessibility (religionnews.com) retrieved 5/03/2024

Barrier-Free Belonging | The Church of England

Disability & the church podcast | The Church of England (2021)

Home - Through the Roof
Through the Roof is a national Christian ministry that equips churches and organizations to fulfil the biblical message of inclusion of people with disability in the society. They also provide opportunities for Christians to get involved with mission to and with disabled people such as those that are mobility impaired, those that have learning disabilities or mental health issues, those that are sight and hearing impaired. 

Disability and the Church: Looking for a Theology of Inclusion - EEA (europeanea.org)
An excellent summary of the theology of access and inclusion.

How can churches be more inclusive of disabled persons? - ERLC
Interview with Lamar Hardwick author of Disability and the Church A vision of Diversity and Inclusion