Social Justice Week 2024

This year Social Justice Week is 8 - 14 September.

This pack contains resources for Social Justice Sunday is 8 September.

Jesus calls us to participate in the reign of God by loving one another as Jesus loves us. The prophet Micah calls us to do justice to love kindness and walk humbly with God.

Disabled people face many barriers that prevent them from fully participating in society. This is an issue of social justice because barriers prevent disabled people from fully participating in society and not enjoying full citizenship rights.

Or download the files individually:

Resource Pack PDF 0.93 MB

Powerpoint 8.4 MB

Disability Awareness Sunday 2024

This year Disability Awareness Sunday is June 16.

The theme is Hei Hanga ana e te rangatiratanga ā te Atua: Tūmanakohia te ohorere / Building the Kingdom of God: Expect the unexpected.

In building the kingdom of God, our human expectations are challenged. Tūmanakohia te ohorere! Expect the unexpected!

In this package there are Liturgical Readings, Collects, Intercessions, Music Suggestions, Sermon, and Activities.

In addition to the above resource pack, the following posters are available for download.

Poster A

Poster B


We are in the midst of Rēneti/Lent. This 2nd package from Disability Ministry Education invites people to continue to reflect on the reality of living in our bodies.

The main theme is “How to live more fully.”

Impairment/disability is often seen as wholly negative. However, living with limitation is part of being human. Experiencing our limitations can lead us into life on a deeper level. Sharing these experiences can help us all become aware as to how limitations/impairment are gifts to our communities.

It is hoped that these posters may encourage korero/discussion/talanoa around how do we regard our bodies as part of God’s good creation.

In this package there are posters for Lent 4, Lent 5, Rātapu Nīkau / Palm Sunday, Taite Mone / Maundy Thursday, Paraire Pai / Good Friday, and Te Rā o te Aranga / Easter Day.

Ash Wednesday

Rēneti/Lent is upon us. Disability Ministry Education is inviting people to reflect on the reality of living in our bodies as God’s creation.

The main theme is “How to live more fully as God’s creation.”

Impairment/disability is often seen as wholly negative. However, living with limitation is part of being human. Experiencing our limitations can lead us into life on a deeper level. Sharing these experiences can help us all become aware as to how limitations/impairment are gifts to our communities.

It is hoped that these posters may encourage korero / discussion / talanoa around how do we regards our bodies as part of God’s good creation.

In this package there are posters for Ash Wednesday; Lent 1; Lent 2 and Lent 3. There will be another package of posters in the next couple of weeks.

Downloadable Individual PDFs:

Disability Awareness Sunday 2023

This year Disability Awareness Sunday is June 18.

The theme is Proclaim the Good News.

Many disabled people experience some exclusion in society. Exclusion may range from not being able to get into buildings, finding difficulty getting employment to being socially excluded from peer groups.

How do we proclaim the Good News to people who often experience some level of exclusion in our society?

This resource pack includes Liturgical Resources, Readings, Collects, Music suggestions, Great Thanksgiving + Blessing / He Whakawhetai Nui + Manākitanga, Exploring the theme, Reflection on the readings, and Accessible and Inclusive Actions.