In this report Dr Richard Davis shares wisdom and insights from many of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most perceptive commentators on how faith-based organisations (FBOs) can make a difference to society.
The research was conducted in 2013 for the Bishop’s Action Foundation (BAF) through the Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Otago. In the years since then it has been used to inform and guide BAF strategy and policy through evidence-based analysis.
There have been important changes in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the globe over the years 2013–2019. On the global agenda there is a new awareness of the global challenges raised by climate change and migration. At a national level, child poverty, housing, and family violence are all receiving more public attention. Jacinda Ardern became Prime Minister, following the national election of September 2017, and a new coalition government became part of the political landscape.
Yet despite these important changes, there is much in the report that remains as relevant now as it did then. The question it addresses – how churches and FBOs can achieve greater impact on policy and decision-making – remains of profound importance for chuches, FBOs, and for all who support their work.
Making a difference
60pg PDF
Full Reference:
Making a Difference: Faith-Based Organisations Contributing to Social Change in Aotearoa
Author: Richard A. Davis
Series editor: David Tombs
Preface: Simon Cayley and David Tombs
A report for the Bishop’s Action Foundation and the Centre for Theology and Public Issues
Faith-Based Leadership Working Papers Series: Working Paper 1
First edition 2013; revised March 2014; Creative Commons edition February 2019.