A Living Wage - A Gospel Imperative

"A Living Wage is the income necessary to provide workers and their families with the basic necessities of life. A Living Wage will enable workers to live with dignity and to participate as active citizens in society" 

Read this very simple 2 page help-sheet on what the living wage is, how and why you can use it, the Biblical perspective, and the New Zealand situation. 

This resource was written in 2014, for current news and information head to the Living Wage website www.livingwage.org.nz.

And also this from Auckland Diocese in 2014:


The Diocesan Council draws your attention to motion 9 at last year’s Synod that “calls on all governing bodies of Anglican institutions to consider how they could apply the principle of the Living Wage having regard to their financial circumstances in the face of significantly increased wage costs.”

We have a moral responsibility to ensure all who derive income through the mission and ministry of the Diocese receive a Living Wage as outlined in the leaflet “A Living Wage – A Gospel Imperative” prepared by the Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand Faith Network. The link to the website is www.livingwage.org.nz – you will find the leaflet “A Living Wage – A Gospel Imperative”  under the Resources tab at the top of the website.

This motion does apply to all Parishes, Local Shared Ministries and other ministry units. Although many will have few, if any employees, (excluding the Vicar) it is important that vestries and other governance bodies have a moral responsibility ensure that any employees are paid at least $18.40 per hour. Some units may employ some people on an ongoing basis, such as cleaners, indirectly through contractors. When the contracts come up for renewal it is important that the contractor be asked to confirm that the staff actually doing the work are paid at least $18.40 per hour and if the contractor cannot confirm this then new tenders should be called with the requirement that all employees be paid at least $18.40 per hour as a condition of the contract.

If any ministry unit would like assistance or additional information on the Living Wage and how to implement it they should contact Living Wage Movement Aotearoa New Zealand Inc,
