Social Services Sunday
4th July 2019
Take a fresh look at Social Services Sunday this year by inviting to church a range of people from your local community who serve others through different organisations that support that infrastructure of care within our communities.
Take the opportunity to say thanks to the people in your local community and recognise the efforts of those beyond.
Resources for this day are available below.
SENTENCE Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream. Amos 5: 24
COLLECTS God of compassion, you thirst for justice; give to all who follow Christ the vision of your kingdom and the gifts of your Spirit to work for its coming; through the one who alone satisfies all our thirst, Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Just and all-seeing God, you reach out to the poor and the sick; you love the criminal, the cripple, the disadvantaged, and those who work with them; help us to build a fair community; help us to understand your will. PSALMS 72: 1-7 146: 5-10
Micah 6: 8-12 Justice and mercy
James 2: 14-17 Faith in action
Matthew 25: 31-45 The true servant of Christ
POST-COMMUNION SENTENCE Jesus said, “I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” John 13: 15
Each year through the Anglican Care Network one of the Tikanga Pakeha Dioceses puts together some resources for worship on this day. Older resources from 2015 and 2016 are still online.