
Social Services Sunday is coming (4th July)

Social Services Sunday is coming (4th July)

Take a fresh look at Social Services Sunday this year by inviting to church a range of people from your local community who serve others through different organisations that support that infrastructure of care within our communities.

Take the opportunity to say thanks to the people in your local community and recognise the efforts of those beyond.

Do you think the world is getting better? .... or worse?

Do you think the world is getting better? .... or worse?

Swedish academic Hans Rosling has identified a worrying trend: not only do many people across advanced economies have no idea that the world is becoming a much better place, but they actually even think the opposite. This is no wonder, when the news focuses on reporting catastrophes, terrorist attacks, wars and famines. It is important to put all the bad news in perspective.

Why? Because when we worry, or think a problem is too big to solve, we spend energy on the wrong things, and take away from the opportunity to share more joy, and justice.