On Waitangi Day this year, the Church Missionary Society (NZCMS) commissioned the first six participants for its ‘Better World’ – a new social justice gap year aimed to inspire and equip young adults in mission.
Read all about the event, and betterworld gap year on this Taonga article.
Backed by CMS staff and connected with churches, community organisations and NGOs in New Zealand, Fiji and Cambodia, the group will study together, live in community and follow a pattern of daily prayer.
In Fiji, the group will work with the Diocese of Polynesia on climate change responses and with CMS Fiji representatives. In Cambodia they will connect with the social justice work of Christian and secular NGOs, and in Wellington, Diocesan Advocacy Enabler Kate Day will lead the Better World team on a journey of discovery and action in all four zones of social justice work.
According to Guy, the Better World gap year is a great opportunity to learn how to respond to need and heal the hurt in the world, but mostly it’s an opportunity for young people to learn about themselves.
To support the young people, and follow their adventures, connect via facebook or the betterworld website.